Ms. Eva Liliane UJENEZA
Eva Liliane Ujeneza is a Lecturer of Mathematics at Rwanda Institute for Conservation Agriculture and a doctoral student at Stellenbosch University. As part of her doctoral program, she is affiliated with Prof Ndifon’s Lab at the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences in Rwanda and the South African Center of Excellence for Epidemiological Modelling and Analysis in Cape Town.
Ujeneza specializes in mathematical and statistical modelling and utilizes her skills to solve challenges of public health interest, with a focus on infectious diseases. Currently, she mostly studies the dynamics of the immune system reconstitution for HIV-treated patients, and the spread and management of COVID19 in Rwanda. In 2021, she received eLife ‘Ben Barres Spotlight’ Award and the Rwanda National Council for Science and Technology ‘Women in Science Rising Star’ Award
DAY 1: Thursday March 31, 2022
Introducing the conference program
Chair and Moderator