
Mr. Kalisa Migambi Felly

STI Policy Analyst
15:30 - 16:50 p.m.

DAY 1: Monday Session 3

Paper Presentations and Q&A

Parallel session 1
Track 3: Policy and socioeconomic implications
Venue: Room AD11

Paper ID17: "Adoption and Use of Certified Seed Potato in Kenya, Rwanda, and Uganda. Policy and Investment Priorities" by Aheisibwe Ambrose Rwaheru,


Paper ID27: "A multidimensional analysis of food security and agribusiness in vulnerable communities of Rwanda: Socio-economic and environmental perspectives" by Marie Benoite IBARINDA,


Paper ID47: "The role of agroecological measures in adaptation to climate change: lessons learned from participatory research in Burkina Faso" by Sempore A.W,


Paper ID53: "Effect of credit constraint on crop losses among farmers: Evidence from three selected SSA countries" by Coffie Michael